The only known function of iodine in human body is participation in thyroid hormone production. In case of iodine deficiency thyroid hormones – thyroxine and triiodothyronine cannot be produced in optimal amounts. This condition is called hypothyroidism. Beside changes in thyroid function, iodine deficiency is associated with enlargement of thyroid gland that is called endemic goiter. Normal iodine intake is essential for uncomplicated course of pregnancy and delivery. Iodine deficient hypothyroidism is associated with infertility and in case of pregnancy, iodine deficiency is associated with severe complications, such as spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, preterm delivery, congenital abnormalities of fetus, mental retardation and low IQ later in adulthood. The most severe manifestation of iodine deficiency is cretinism, a medical condition characterized by significantly impaired physical and mental retardation due to mother’s hypothyroidism. Cretinism is medical curiosity nowadays but mild to moderate iodine deficiency during pregnancy is still affecting baby’s growing organism. Normal reference range of TSH for non-pregnant women is 0.4-4.0 μIU/L, but as demand on thyroid hormones is increased during pregnancy, TSH has special reference ranges according to trimesters and it should be taken into consideration during interpretation of test results. In Georgia, as iodine deficient endemic region, most women should take iodine supplementation with particular dosage under medical doctor’s supervision.
Read more about iodine deficiency in the article prepared by MD Natia Vashakmadze .