👉 This analysis determines the level of transferrin in the blood.

🔹 Transferrin is a protein that binds to iron in the blood and transports it to the body.

🔹 For more information, follow the link  – http://vistamedi.ge/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/transferini_geo.pdf

🔬 You can order lab test at home 24 hours, 7 days a week

📲 Contact info:

👉 (+995 32) 2 18 33 18;
👉 (+995 32) 2 22 47 77;
👉 (+995 32) 2 23 04 04;
👉 (+995) 568 61 00 61;

📍 Address:

Ramazi St. 28, Tbilisi Georgia

⏰ Working hours: 24/7

Shrosha St.14, Tbilisi, Georgia

⏰ Working hours: Monday-Saturday 08:30am – 19-00 pm

                          Sunday 09:00 am – 17:00pm